How can you have sexual intercourse: this site addresses dilemmas of Jewish law which could never be befitting more youthful visitors

How can you have sexual intercourse: this site addresses dilemmas of Jewish law which could never be befitting more youthful visitors

Note: In places, it covers intimate behavior in ordinary and frank terms. Please exercise appropriate discernment.

Trigger Warning: this site describes some typically common Jewish points of view about sexuality and sex that you might find unpleasant. Certainly, also some movements that are jewish rejected several of those viewpoints today. Other points of view tend to be more liberal than you’d expect, and might offend individuals with more conservative sensibilities. You may want to avoid this page if you might be disturbed to read about traditional Judaism’s point of view on these matters.

Jewish Attitudes Towards Sex

In Jewish legislation, intercourse is certainly not considered shameful, obscene or sinful. Intercourse is certainly not regarded as an evil that is necessary the only intent behind procreation. Although sexual interest arises from the yetzer ra (the impulse that is evil, its no further evil than hunger or thirst, which additionally result from the yetzer ra. Like hunger, thirst or any other fundamental instincts, sexual interest should be managed and channeled, satisfied during the appropriate time, spot and way. However when desire that is sexual pleased from a wife and husband during the appropriate time, away from shared love and desire, intercourse is really a mitzvah.

Intercourse is permissible just inside the context of a wedding. Continue reading